Love / Life
recommended by Linnéa
it's amazing
Love is our greatest source of power.
Mitt liv har alltid varit och fortsätter vara extremt gåvmildt gentemot mig. Tills nu har vartenda önske (stort eller litet) jag någonsin haft gått i uppfyllelse. Och då menar jag vartenda ett. Detta är jag oerhört tacksam för, och jag hoppas och önskar att min tur och lycka aldrig ska ta slut.

My life has always been and continues to be extremely generous towards me. Up until now, every single wish (be it big or small) I've had has come true. And by that I mean every single one. This I am grateful for, and I hope and wish for this lucky streak to go on forever...
To receive answers in your life, you must begin to ask.

daily teachings
Jag beställde ju hem Rhonda Byrnes The Secret - Daily Teachings för en stund sedan. Har haft den sen i måndags, och det är alltså en sorts kalender. Varje dag läser man en ny sida, och på den finns en vägledande text, tankar, intställningar etc. som främjer framgång.

I går stod det att man skulle skriva ned 100 saker som man är tacksam för. Förklaringen: Tacksamhet kommer att skifta din energi från negativt till positivt.
Jag satte i gång... De första 45-50 kom helt av sig själv. Sedan gick det lite tregt. Jag kanske kommer på fler under tidens gång. (allt detta är förresten sant)

- I have siblings
- I get to see beautiful sunsets quite often
- I have A LOT of superawsome clothes and shoes and material things
- My mother trusts me
- I learned how to cook
- I know how to flawlessly clean a house
- I'm confident
- The sun shines
- I have seen snow
- I have seen the ocean
- I have been to Sahara
- I have a great best friend
- I have a great guy-friend
- My first boyfriend was perfect for me
- My big sister has always shown me love
- There are handsome men
- Life keeps challenging us
- I can dance
- I have a home
- I don't smoke
- My mother and father are alive
- There are good-hearted people in this world
- I'm a mulatto
- My fingers aren't chubby
- I like water
- I didn't loose my virginity to the wrong guy
- I don't need to freeze at night
- I am kind
- I'm perfectly healthy
- I have gotten this chance to graduate with a good diploma
- I have the courage to try new things
- My parents raised me well
- I don't need to worry too much
- I have some kind if guarding force thingy close to me no matter what I do
- I am intelligent
- I am beginning to see my mistakes
- I am a dreamer
- I am rational
- Chocolate exists
- I can read
- I speak several languages
- I didn' turn into a complete brat despite the fact that my parents spoiled me
- Libraries rent out books for free
- There are computers in school
- We moved to sweden
- I am Norwegian
- I am beautiful
- I have long legs
- My body's awsome
- I have my own room
- The fashion industry is so huge
- My generation can travel the world
- Life in scandinavia is extremely comfortable
- I know there are people who suffer every day
- I have learnt that there is more to life than material things
- I see colours
- The air I breathe is fresh
- We can drink water from the sink
- My teeth aren't crooked
- Public transport in sweden is so affordable
- Medical Science is as developed as it is
- He is beginning to realize how great a person I am
- I don't struggle with mathematics
- I'm happy
- Beto created Zumba
- My family has always been such a great support
- I am desirable
- I can be creative
- I am spontaneous
- I'm kinda clumsy
- I can listen to music wherever I go
I ordered Rhonda Byrnes The Secret - Daily Teachings the other day, and it arrived two days ago. The book is a sort of calendar. Each day, you read a new page which contains motivational tips, guidelines and attitudes that will help you lead a successful life.
Yesterday, it said to make a list of 100 things I'm grateful for. Why? Because "Gratitude will shift your energy" from negative to positive. I gave it a shot. Here's the result. Although the first 45-50 were effortlessly jotted down, this is harder and much more rewarding than I expected it to be.